

School leadership composition at HLML Bilingual

  • mw. drs. B.A. Stam, rector
  • mw. E. Sartori, conrector 1 en 2 havo/vwo
  • dhr. J.H.R. Martens, conrector leerjaar 2, 3 en 4 mavo
  • mw. A. Schrijver MEd conrector leerjaar 3, 4 en 5 havo
  • mw. drs. T. Joosten, conrector leerjaar 3, 4, 5 en 6 vwo


The Haarlemmermeer Lyceum is part of the Dunamare Onderwijsgroep. This comprises 24 secondary schools in the region that includes Haarlem, Haarlemmermeer and Velsen (with a side-trip to Harlingen). This involves all types of schools – from grammar school to vocational education. Nearly all of the schools in the region that provide special care to students are members of the Dunamare Onderwijsgroep. For more information, see:

By joining forces, Dunamare Onderwijsgroep can provide added value to the schools, thereby improving the students’ training and learning performance. Additional information about the Dunamare Onderwijsgroep can be found here, along with such important documents as the complaints regulation and the protocol for suspension and removal.

Participation Council

Just like every school in the Netherlands, the Haarlemmermeer Lyceum has a Participation Council (Dutch acronym: MR). The Participation Council is made up of staff, parents/guardians and students. They are involved in the school’s policy implementation in this manner. School management makes decisions in consultation and must discuss any decisions having to do with education or that relate to the school in its entirety with the Participation Council. Additional information about the MR’s working method can be found in the Lyceum handbook Bilingual.

The Participation Council meets 8 times per school year. The exact dates can be found in the annual agendas on our website, under the option “Students and parents” > “Holidays”.
You can read the minutes of these meetings through your parent login in Magister. Via this link, you can see where to find this.

The regulations of the Participation Council of Dunamare can be found here.

DMR Bilingual Policy DMR members Bilingual

Collaborative partnership

The Haarlemmermeer Lyceum is part of the collaborative partnership between VO Amstelland and Meerlanden.

Complaints regulation

Naturally, we prefer to see that everything runs smoothly at our school. But despite our efforts, it’s still possible that you might be unsatisfied with something. Have a complaint? We’ll do everything possible to resolve this. The first step is to contact the particular teacher, headmaster or other person who has made the decision with which you disagree. If you are then still dissatisfied with the treatment of your complaint, you can turn to the board, based on the external complaints procedure. View Dunamare Onderwijsgroep’s general complaints regulation here.

Confidential counsellors

Students wrestling with problems that they cannot, will not or don’t wish to share directly with a teacher or someone else, can turn to a trusted counsellor. At our school, Mrs. Van Dam-de Boer or Mrs. Van Hal are always ready to help. Both students and parent(s)/guardian(s) can make an appointment to search for a solution together. Getting in touch can be done easily via e-mail:

Complaints about undesirable behaviour (such as sexual intimidation) can also be handled via the external confidential counsellor (GGD Kennemerland 
tel. +31 (0)23 7891777) or the Education Inspectorate (tel. 088 6696000).

Healthy School Cafeteria

Our cafeteria complies with the Food Environment Guidelines for Schools from the Nutrition Center. For more information, please refer to our school plan.”