
Are you up for a new challenge?

Dear future Haarlemmermeer Lyceum students!

Big changes are coming your way as you head to secondary school, and we’re here to make sure it’s a good experience for you. Learning is more enjoyable when you’re comfortable at your new school, right?
At Haarlemmermeer Lyceum, is an internationally oriented school that offers bilingual education to students from the age of 11-18 years old. Expect to uncover your talents, make new friends, and tackle whatever challenges come your way.
Your journey at Haarlemmermeer Lyceum is about to begin, and we’re looking forward to seeing you succeed. Get ready for a solid experience – your time here is set to be a positive and rewarding chapter in your life.

Year 2 or higher

Are you already in secondary school and considering a switch to Haarlemmermeer Lyceum? For grade 2 or higher, you can apply using the registration form below. After receiving your application, we will contact you to explain the rest of the procedure.

Registration form Supplement to the registration form TopsportTalent Status

Procedure for enrolling in the first year (brugklas) of a secondary school (VO-school) in the Haarlemmermeer region

Dear student and parents/ guardians,

Hereby, we would like to inform you about the procedure for enrolling in the first year (brugklas) of a secondary school (VO-school) in the Haarlemmermeer region.
For the past few years, secondary schools (VO-scholen) in the Haarlemmermeer region have been utilizing a lottery procedure. (Students enrolling from an international school are exempt) For the academic year 2024/2025, enrollment for the first year (brugklas) will be done digitally. This means that applications will be submitted through the website

Enrollment via De Overstap

The primary school ensures that you receive login credentials and instructions from De Overstap (via the email address to facilitate your application. You will receive the enrollment details no later than March 25, 2024.

Through this website, you will submit your application, indicating your first choice school, second choice, or, in the case of mavo/havo/vwo, your third choice. This is crucial in the event that you are unexpectedly not selected for your first-choice school. (Students from Optimist International school who enroll in Haarlemmermeer Lyceum Bilingual only have to make one choice. In all other cases two or three depending on academic level)

Attention! You must enroll from March 25 to March 31 2024.
Starting April 1, the enrollment period will be closed, and the website will no longer be accessible.

Additional Information
There are various documents where you can find detailed information on how digital enrollment works and how the lottery process is carried out.
Digital enrollment:
Explore this link for in-depth information regarding digital enrollment
Explore this link for the digital enrollment manual.

Feel free to contact the representatives of HLML if you have any questions:
Location Haarlemmermeer Lyceum Bilingual: Mrs E. Sartori

Procedure aanmelden

Discover our schools! Sign up for various activities!


HLML Bilingual

HLML Dalton

Open house


Open house HLML Bilingual

Tweetalig onderwijs

Open Huis HLML Bilingual

Tweetalig onderwijs

Information evening


HLML Bilingual international students. The aim of this evening is to inform non-native Dutch parents about the Dutch education system, our Dutch as a second language program and our Bilingual program. The information evening is organised live at our Bilingual school. In case you are unable to attend the evening in person, feel free to join us online. Click the button below to join.


HLML Bilingual for parents and students. This evening we organise trial lessons for students. The presentation for parents is in Dutch.

Tweetalig onderwijs

Open huis


Open house HLML Dalton


Open Huis HLML Dalton




Informatieavond voor ouder(s) en leerlingen uit groep 8

Daltononderwijs Inschrijven



Sneak Preview HLML Bilingual. What could your life look like at our school? Come have a look, taste the atmosphere and take part in our interactive TTO experience!

Tweetalig onderwijs Inschrijven

Kennismaking voor groep 8


Zit je in groep 8 en wil je altijd al een keer rondlopen in een middelbare school? Ben je benieuwd of het Haarlemmermeer Lyceum een leuke school is? Schrijf je dan nu in voor een kennismakingsmiddag voor leerlingen van groep 8.


Year 2 or higher

Are you already in secondary school and considering a switch to Haarlemmermeer Lyceum? For grade 2 or higher, you can apply using the registration form below. After receiving your application, we will contact you to explain the rest of the procedure.

Registration form Supplement to the registration form TopsportTalent Status

Moving to Haarlemmermeer?

Are you relocating from outside this region to the municipality of Haarlemmermeer and looking for a secondary school for your child?
Every* student moving to Haarlemmermeer, after registering with one of the schools, falls under the “duty of care” of that school.
This means that the student will be placed in the school of his/her choice or, if that is not possible, we will arrange placement in one of the other schools in Haarlemmermeer.

*This applies to relocations from outside the region to the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. Relocating within the Haarlemmermeer region does not fall under this rule.